Free School Meal Update
New Risk Assessment effective January 2021
Mass Testing for Secondary Age pupils & Staff
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you are all safe and well and that anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 is making a good recovery. Thank you for your patience and support throughout this difficult period of time. I would like to give you some updates regarding Elms School. Having carefully considered the latest advice from the government along with consideration to the local situation we face, the decision has been made to continue with Home Learning for all pupils until the end of term on Friday 18th December. We will aim to reopen to all pupils on Monday 4th January. This decision was made taking into account many factors, including the following:
Your child’s class teacher will have been in touch with you to see how you are as a family and to see whether they can support with learning. Please be aware that many teachers are using their personal phones and have been advised not to give out their personal number. For this reason, you may see calls appear as “number withheld.” Teachers will leave a message if your phone has this facility and they may suggest a time to call back. If you prefer, we can use emails as a means of keeping in touch.
I realise that some pupils may be reluctant to work at home during this last week of term, however, it is important that they maintain a routine as far as possible. There is a variety of home learning available on our website as well as in the paper packs of home learning that we sent out, so please encourage your child to have a go at doing some work each day.
The Covid-19 situation is an evolving crisis which none of us have experienced before. As a school, we have learnt some useful lessons which will help us plan ahead for January, including the following:
In light of our experiences at Elms mentioned above, I would urge you to encourage your child to wear a face covering on transport and when moving around school, whatever their age. Please note that we will NOT refuse transport or a place at school if children are not wearing face coverings. Some of our pupils have sensory issues and face coverings increase their anxiety, however, if your child is willing to wear a face covering, please encourage this as our own experience has shown that this MAY help stop the spread of the virus.
As stated above, we aim to re-open Elms School on Monday 4th January. Please bear in mind that this is the first working day after Brexit comes into force, so journeys may take longer to Dover. The transport team are busy working on alternative routes to school and they will be in touch with you to let you know the pick-up time for your child. Each vehicle, along with the usual face masks, hand sanitisers, thermometers etc will have a supply of bottled water and some cereal bars in the event that the vehicle is delayed in traffic. We are looking at routes that can avoid the M20, A20 and A2.
When we return in January, we will ensure that bubbles remain intact as far as possible. In the event of an emergency, members of staff may have to work across bubbles, however, we will keep this to an absolute minimum. Clare Eldridge and I have been updating the school’s risk assessment, a copy of which will be on our website next week. This gives lots of information regarding our cleaning regime, how we plan for movement around the school etc and may help alleviate some of your concerns.
From January, we will do all we can to keep the school open and maintain education for your child, just as we have done all through the pandemic. However, we will always prioritise the health and safety of our pupils and staff and, until the situation in Kent eases, we may have to consider further closure of bubbles if we have more cases of Covid-19 within our community. Hopefully the vaccine will be available soon and we can begin to return to some sort of normality.
In the meantime, please get in touch if there is anything we can do to help support you or if you need any more information regarding how we are planning to keep pupils and staff safe at school when we re-open.
I would like to thank you for your continued support and understanding and to wish you and your family a safe, healthy Christmas.
With very best wishes
Juli Timoney
Face Coverings in School
Please click on the link for more information on Free School Meals
Please see below for information about virtual ADHD Information sessions for parents/carers being held by Medway SENDIAS next month. Please contact them to book a place. The aim of the sessions is to gain awareness and understanding of ADHD and how to manage and support the child -
Free Football skills sessions with Yo Street Zone!