Elms School Update
Self-Isolation and Social Distancing
Dear Parents and Carers
I am sure you will all be aware of the latest government advice regarding self-isolation and social distancing. We have posted a copy of this to our website and Facebook page. Social distancing is where people are advised to avoid all non-essential contact with anyone outside your household and to try to observe a 2 metre distance from other people outside your immediate family. As you will be aware, all restaurants, cafes, pubs and clubs have been ordered to close to avoid having large groups of people together.
Elms school is committed to providing support and learning opportunities to all our pupils throughout this crisis. We will be sending packs of work to all pupils who are staying at home and all form tutors will be asked to keep in regular contact with you, unless they themselves are unwell, in which case another member of staff will be in touch. Your child’s teacher will be in touch to discuss options for maintaining contact. They will provide any support with learning so that your child can continue to learn at home.
At the moment, we are able to open to those pupils who requested a place on Monday. As mentioned before, if we suffer from acute staff shortages we will need to prioritise places to those who need them most, such as Key Workers and our most vulnerable pupils.
With this in mind, if last Friday you indicated that you would like your child to attend school this week, but now feel that you would prefer to keep your child at home, please leave a message with the school office so that we can alter transport arrangements and arrange for work to go home.
Thank you so much for your continued support at this difficult time. Stay safe and well!
Yours sincerely
Juli Timoney