Cooking and Nutrition
Cooking and Nutrition is taught by the classteacher for Lower School and pupils in the Middle year 5 and the Upper School year 11 are taught by the school's subject specialist.
Cooking and Nutrition follow our knowledge engaged curriculum and knowledge and skills are developed and built upon from year 1 to year 11.
The cooking and nutrition curruclum allows our pupils to have an understanding about where their/our food comes from. It enables them to cook healthy and nutritious dishes, making reference to the Eat Well guide.
All pupils, starting in year 1 are taught, safe knife skills, hygiene and food safety. The correct way to prepare and cook a variety of dishes. This allows pupils to express themselves and to grow in confidence as they produce top quality food.
From year 9 students start their BTEC Course in Home Cooking Skills Level 1 and Level 2. Towards the end of year 11 having completed their level 2 they go onto learn advanced cooking skills and more complicated techniques.
Many of our pupils follow this as their chosen 'career path' post 16 at Canterbury College.
We have entered Kent Young chef of the year three times.We have had 100% success rate with one of our pupils coming second place.
The cooking and nutrition experience does not just stop at the academic curriculum. The school celebrates global events 'Chinese New Year' and our British 'Pancake Day'.
As a school we are committed to supporting charity work. We hold an annual Coffee and Cake morning for our parents and Governors. All proceeds to Stand Up to Cancer.
Updated 8th MArch 2021