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Elms School


At Elms School, we offer and deliver a knowledge-engaged History curriculum from Key Stage 1 all the way through to Key Stage 4. This enables all pupils to acquire key knowledge and develop a range of skills throughout their studies as well as developing their reasoning and enquiry skills. All pupils are provided with the opportunity to take part in trips to a number of locations to support their understanding and give them the chance to immerse themselves in their learning. Additionally, Fundamental British Values are encompassed within the teaching and learning of History across the school.


In Lower School, Years 1-4, pupils focus on what life was like in the past, as well as learning about significant individuals. From here, pupils move onto learning about specific historical such as the Prehistoric Era and Ancient Egypt.

In Middle School, Years 5-8, pupils continue to build on prior learning and cover topics such as World War 2, The Middle Ages and Crime and Punishment Through Time. Additionally, pupils are encouraged to begin to conduct their own research to find out more about topics or individuals who interest them.


In Upper School, Years 9-11, pupils study history as part of their Humanities pathway qualification. As part of this pathway pupils study and critically engage with a range of topics, from the changing role of women to prejudice and discrimination against people. This equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to reflect on issues of the past and how they can relate to our lives in the present and future.


Throughout the academic year Elms School participates in celebrating and exploring significant historical events such as: Black History Month, LGBT+ History Month and VE Day. These specialist days recognize and celebrate diversity, significant human triumphs and social progression. This forms part of our school’s efforts to address pupils’ Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development. 


Updated 9th March 2021