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Elms School


At Elms School we offer and deliver a high-quality PSHE curriculum across the school, from Key Stage 1 all the way through to Key Stage 4. This curriculum is based on guidance found within the National Curriculum, the most recent guidance from the PSHE Association and the compulsory Relationship and Sex Education curriculum. This curriculum is aimed at promoting the social, emotional and life skills that are necessary for our pupils to lead positive and productive lives in the future. Additionally, Fundamental British Values are encompassed within the teaching and learning of PSHE across the school.

In Key Stage 1, pupils focus on learning about social interaction skills, everyday life skills, and key events that may be encountered in life in Key Stage 1. This broadens into deeper understanding of different relationships, various ways to keep themselves and others safe in different situations, as well as how to support others and the world around them. They are taught that actions often result in a reward or consequence and that the choices we make can affect ourselves and others around us. As part of RSE, they learn about establishing and maintaining healthy relationships with peers, family members and others.

From Key Stage 2, pupils are taught about a range of topics suitable for adolescents, including: sexual health and different types of relationship, substance use and misuse, managing finances and responsibility, as well as how to stay safe in different situations. All pupils are supported to appropriately share their own opinions on a range of topics, as well as respectfully listen and respond to the differing viewpoints of other pupils.

The planning and teaching of the subject content for PSHE is regularly reviewed to ensure that learning is suitably differentiated, relevant and engaging for the needs of all learners. It is aimed at supporting the SEMH needs of all learners – leading to improvements in their social and emotional development. This forms part of our school’s efforts to address pupils’ Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development. By the time pupils complete their education at Elms School they should be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead happy, productive and fulfilled lives.


Updated 9th March 2021