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Elms School


At Elms School we offer and deliver a high-quality RE curriculum across the school, from Key Stage 1 all the way through to Key Stage 4. This curriculum is formed from guidance from within both the National Curriculum, as well as the most recent version of the Kent-Agreed Syllabus for RE. This enables all of our pupils to acquire key knowledge and to develop a range of skills throughout their studies. It encourages them to respectfully reflect on their own belief systems, as well as the extensive beliefs and practices of people from other faiths and religions. Additionally, Fundamental British Values are encompassed within the teaching and learning of RE across the school.

In Primary, pupils focus on learning about the key beliefs and practices found within multiple faiths, beginning in Key Stage 1 with key religious beliefs, symbols and celebrations, and broadening to studying religious art and architecture, similarities and differences between different and by Key Stage 2. Pupils learn to recall and order key events in recent times, as well as beyond living memory. They are taught to make their own plausible judgements about the past and understand causes and consequences for specific actions.

Updated 9th March 2021